Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Final Reflection

Welcome to the last post before winter break! This semester is over! I can't believe how fast time has gone by. You know what they say... time flies when you're having fun!

Let's recap the past few months of technology. We've discussed so many different avenues for you and I to communicate with students and parents alike. Facebook and Twitter have created new and innovative ways to share what is going on in our library and also for parents to stay abreast of school information. We also discussed podcasts for communication as well as a product for student learning. Of course, the almighty blog! I must say the blog is one of my favorite ways to share and collaborate with people from all over. I enjoy reading blogs on topics that interest me both personally and professionally. I love writing my blog for others to read and benefit from as well. The only way to become the best School Media Specialists we can be is by sharing and collaborating our ideas.

Instagram, Vine, Screencasts, QR codes and cartoons are a marvelous way to present information as well as have students present projects. I love the idea of students creating products to show their learning and using their computer literacy skills along with demonstrating mastery of content. The one that was most difficult for me was Instagram and Vine. I feel like I would be the least likely to use these tools for my library although I might have the students do a project or two using this media.

I believe that everything I have learned here will be very beneficial to me and my students, but the assignment I loved the most was the blog. I think writing this blog provides a kind of outlet from my creative juices. I know I will have a blog centered around my library as soon as I am a librarian. I think writing about what I love like being a librarian will just enrich my job as well as my personal life. The students will gain much from my blog because I will be writing about things that interest them and books that they might like.

Live, Love, Library will be going on a small hiatus during the holidays but I hope to see you all back in the new year!

Merry Christmas and happy new year!